首页  研究方向  聚合物薄膜太阳能电池关键材料与器件



  1. Ruiping Qin, Zhishan Bo. Synthesis andCharacterization of 2,7-Linked Carbazole Oligomers[J]. Macromol. Rapid Commun. (2012)33: 87−91.

  2. Meng Li, Heng Ma, Hairui Liu, YurongJiang, Heying Niu, and Adil Amat. Ferroelectric field effect of the bulkheterojunction in polymer solar cells[J]. Applied Physics Letters (2014)104: 253905.

  3. Meng Li, Heng Ma, Hairui Liu, Dongge Wu,Heying Niu andWen jun Cai. Effect of electrode geometry on photovoltaicperformance of polymer solar cells[J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2014) 47: 435104.

  4. Ruiping Qin, YurongJiang, Heng Ma, Le Yang, Hengzhi Liu, Fanggao Chang. Carbazoles on Same MainChain for Polymer Solar Cells[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2013) 129: 2671–2678.

  5. RuipingQin, Yurong Jiang, Kaixuan Zhang, Haoxing Zhang, Qunying Zhang, Meng Li, HengMa. Synthesis of Two D-p-A Polymers p-Bridged by Different Blocks andInvestigation of Their Photovoltaic Property[J]. J.Appl. Polym. Sci. (2015) 132: 41587.
